Friday, September 10, 2010

52 Books in 52 Weeks - Book 34: Hope in a Jar

During the past few months, I have attended two reunions - my 20th college reunion (held one year late) and my husbands 25th high school reunion. We had fun at both of them, realizing how precious and fleeting those times were. This events of this book occur around the main characters' 20th high school reunion, so I was in a mood to read this one when I found it. I am glad to report that our friends have much matured beyond the point of the characters in  Hope in a Jar!  I do not recommend this book at all - it has a shallow plot with shallow characters. Congratulations to the WCHS class of 1985 and to the NGC class of 1989 on their lives well lived - may there be many more years and reunions to come!

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