Thursday, November 19, 2009


I've been thinking about heaven a lot today. You see, I have some deposits there & there are some days I long for just one more conversation, for the face of my Savior. A place where there are no more tears, mourning or pain. Scripture tells us we will be reunited with those who have gone before us to His throne - but in heaven, things will be very different. We will know each other. But more importantly we will be united in worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So tonight, as I long for one more conversation - I can't wait until I finally make it home.

Finally Home

When I finally make it home.

Then I'll gaze upon the throne of the King
Frozen in my steps
And all the questions that I swore I would ask
Words just won't come yet
So amazed at what I've seen
So much more than this
Old mind can hold.
When I finally make it home.

Recorded by Mercy Me

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