Friday, September 17, 2010

Weekly Report: Week 5

Here we are again! Early this morning (or late last night, depending on how you think of it) I posted some reviews on study skills books. Scan down if you'd like to see them.

This week has been the smoothest week so far this school year. Maybe we are getting into our groove! Here's the lowdown:

Bible: Our verse this week was John 11:25-26 - I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me shall live, even though he dies; whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this? Our hymn remained the same "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus." We spent time with our devotion book, reinforcing our belief in substitutionary atonement - that Jesus' death paid the penalty for our sins.

Art:: At co-op, Rocket Boy worked on an ocean scape. Although he is having fun, so far he hasn't expanded his art repertoire.

History: lots of reading this week and a three paragraph summary on the Suez Canal - boy was that one a long time coming! Next week will read about David Livingstone, so that should be interesting.

Suez Canal - from Google Images. 

Language Arts: Rocket Boy is off to a great start in season three of Analytical Grammar. Lightening Literature is also going well, he is almost finished with the first chapter on G.K. Chesterson's A Crazy Tale. Rocket Boy thinks Chesterson had an interesting sense of humor.

Algebra I: Still working on review. Maybe next week we will get to delve in to Math U See.

Physical Science: Still working on the first chapter, an introduction to the subject. I need to finish ordering my lab supplies now that I have a place to  put them. 

Government:  Rocket Boy's co-op class looked at the 4th amendment and then some Supreme Court cases that cited it. He is independent with this class, so I don't assign any work - it's all up to the co-op teacher. Feels good!

Speech & Debate:  This class had a break this week, so nothing to report here. I did have one idea for a platform speech for him, but we'll see what he comes up with on his own.

In the extra curricular arena, FLL practice has gone pretty good, the team is making some mock ups of robot bases and attachments to see if their ideas will work. Tennis started this week - Rocket Boy went to the beginner group  again. During the course of the lesson, his pro decided to move him up to the intermediate group! This practice will be earlier in the day. I hope our schedule works out  and the new time doesn't cause too disruption to our school day.


Daisy said...

Awesome about the Suez Canal. I went there back in 1990 and fell in love with that area.

Sounds like a great week.

Homeschooling6 said...

Thank you for your kind words with regards to my long post ;) I'm thinking of purchasing MUS the fraction level for my son.

WildIris said...

I always feel encouraged when I read about others who have such successful weeks as you describe. I love it when my weeks are smooth and seamless. The co-op classes sound like a good addition. I wish i had access to such classes.